Bitcoin Futures

4 min readMar 21, 2023


Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that allows users from anywhere to make peer to peer transactions seamlessly without intermediaries. Cryptocurrency is not controlled by individuals or governments, is it really a decentralized system built on Blockchain technology which is a public ledger that stores information on many computers around the world, secured by cryptographic encryption. Confirmation of transactions/information before being added to existing blocks on the Blockchain is based on an algorithmic consensus mechanism where 90% of validators at various nodes around the world agree on the correctness of transactions. It has become a public ledger, making it the most transparent innovation of all time because every transaction is accessible to everyone and traceable to its origin.

Cryptocurrencies have had many use cases since their inception and their immense popularity. However, the use of cryptocurrencies has yet to have a true expression and connection with the physical world. Looking critically and evaluating money and how it has changed over the years, pinpoint cryptocurrency as the next big thing in fulfilling its mission. Previously, trading was based on trading by barter where you gave goods to collect their equivalents. As civilization continued to develop, the use of coins emerged where transactions were made with coins in exchange for goods. After coins appeared the use of paper money as a means of payment. In recent years,


Bitcoinfuture is a cryptocurrency project designed to serve as a means of legal inclination within its ecosystem where merchants and consumers can transact. BTCF is a crypto enabling exchange of goods and services that stands as an intermediary for the exchange of goods and services between merchants, the consumer community and the exchange of everything for BTCF.


The 2020 pandemic actually changed the advertising and product marketing system. The pandemic caused so much havoc on economic activity around the world that many were displaced. Many merchants cannot reach their potential customers due to the lockdown. This led to finding other ways to reach their customers. Many social media platforms are used to reach customers/consumers at high costs.

Bitcoinf is designed with free advertising and marketing tools that allow merchants to advertise and market their products without paying for food. Merchants also connect with consumers freely.

Unlike other platforms where traders have to pay intermediary fees, traders do not pay intermediary fees on the BITCOINFUTURE ecosystem. Through this mechanism, the actual value is attached to the $btcf token. Consumers who own btcf have the privilege to buy anything in the bitcoinfuture ecosystem with guaranteed 100% receipt of btcf tokens.


BTCF tokens can also be used as a store of wealth as they are in limited supply. Limited supply makes it scarce so much sought after which in turn drives its value upwards making it possible to store wealth such as gold and other precious metals.


bitcoinfuture is a dual model token with dual functionality (BTCF and bitcoinf). BTCF is built on the binance smart chain network which is the most advanced and well-known Blockchain with maximum security measure combined by many exchanges.

• Maximum Circulating Supply: 21,000,000 BTCF

• Initial circulating supply: 1,000,000 BTCF

• Maximum supply of extra mining per month : 100,000 bTCF

BITCOINF is built on Bitgert Blockchain to be the fastest Blockchain with lowest gas cost (zero gas fee). The supply is huge due to the fact that Blockchain is still new and has not been bundled by many exchanges yet.


BTCF will be listed on the following exchanges. BTCF will be officially listed on the COINTIGER and PANCAKESWAP exchanges at 11:30 am on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

Ways to own BTCF

Buy products on BITCOINF.NET with BTCF as a promotion

Buy BTCF packages without products on BITCOINF.NET

Sell ​​products and receive BTCF payments

Buy from a community of BTCF holders

From the DEX/CEX exchange

Exchange from current crypto as USDT, BITCOINF for BTCF

For more information:

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Bitcointalk username: cahaya38
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2073838

